FitYogaProf vous propose une formation d’Instructeur Balanced Body – Pilates. Découvrez « Balanced Body USA », le leader mondial des cursus Instructeurs de la méthode Pilates depuis 1976. Grâce à FitYogaProf, suivez une formation de Balanced Body Pilates, et obtenez une certification internationale qui vous permet d’enseigner le Pilates partout dans le monde. Cursus complet : Programme Equilibre du corps + Formation à la Technique Pilates Anna Fedoseeva Master Trainer of Balanced Body since 2010. He has been working in the fitness industry since 1999. She worked as a group program trainer, personal trainer and supervisor in the clubs Reebok, Maxisport and Physical Education. She studied at Balanced Body inc., The Association of Fitness Professionals, Wellcom, the School of Yuri Siukhin and others. She has been training trainers in Pilates, aerobics, strength training, stretching, functional training, and personal training sales since 2005. The author of articles on fitness in Cosmopolitan, Glamor, Russian Reporter magazines. Visiting expert at the Vichy Menopause Conference. Speaker of on-line conferences Fitness season 2012 and 2013. Anna is also a translator of textbooks for Pilates workshops from Balanced Body. Centre FitYogaProf à El Menzah 1 Nombre de place limitées à 15 personnes L ECOLE YOGA ‘FITYOGAPROF Teacher Training in Tunis. Certification de yoga alliance americaine . Certification Balanced Body USA. Certification Yoga Air #Fityogaprof For more information visit: Le premier centre de Yoga et Yoga air à Tunis YogaFit est conçu pour améliorer la santé, la performance et l'acuité mentale · TEL +(216) 53 666 384